Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Case 11, File 03: Plus One

AKA: The Shining Twins WISH They Were This Creepy

Creepy Psychic Twins is a horror staple at this point, to the point where the occasionally feel like a cliche (it's also the basis for a pair of my D&D characters, just in case you were wondering what an absolute dork I am). But at the same time, it's a cliche for a reason, it's a good solid premise for a horror story, and it's one that The X-Files tapped into before (wayyyyyyyyy back in Season 1's Eve). But, aside from the endless supply of Revenge From Beyond the Grave episodes, The X-Files doesn't generally like to repeat itself. If it was going to repeat that premise, it would have to go outside the box.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Case 11, File 02: This

AKA: Love Has Taken Its Toll On Me

It's very hard to get a large fanbase on the same page, but I think it's pretty universally agreed in the X-Files fandom that the Lone Gunmen got a raw deal. Shuffled off to a spin-off the network never really knew what to do with before being dragged sheepishly back to the main show, just in time to get killed off in what is widely considered one of the worst episodes of the show. If I were creating a sequel season to The X-Files, one of my top priorities would be to try and give them a better ending.