Sunday, March 31, 2019

Case 06, File 01: The Beginning

AKA: No That Was Like Six Seasons Ag-Oh I Get It You're Doing A Thing

Every good series that goes beyond a handful of seasons (I'd say 3 or 4 max) must have a Golden Age, and every Golden Age must inevitably come to an end. And I must say, it's nice of The X-Files to have such a clear line between its Golden Age and its end. I mean, the movie took place between them. The look of the show is different (they moved production to LA to keep Duchovny, who would spend the rest of his time on the original run with one foot out the door, happy). The Myth arc started to get more complex and hard to follow. And the episodes? Well I guess we'll see.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Case 05, File 21: Fight The Future

AKA: The Big Damn Movie

Approaching a movie to review is a slightly different act than approaching an episode of a TV show. I mean, a movie is longer (rimshot). But more seriously, while a TV show can have reasonable expectations that its audience will at least be familiar with a lot of the basics going into each new episode, a movie generally has to stand on its own merits, regardless of how jaw droppingly huge the show it's based on was at the time.