Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Case 09, File 13: Improbable

AKA: Never Tell Me The Odds

As the series progressed into its new cast in Season 8, one of the things that got left by the wayside was the comedy episodes. There were a couple of reasons for this, Robert Patrick is just not very good at comedy and the main outlet for that energy being the more straightforwardly comic spinoff chief among them. But with the cast expanding out to include Annabeth Gish, whose previous credits include stuff like Mystic Pizza, and The Lone Gunmen folded back into the main series, there was room to try and bring back the comedy episode.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Case 09, File 12: Underneath

AKA: I Could Hide Out Under There, I Just Made You Say Underwear

Outside of broad strokes and one or two specific details that come up now and again, The X-Files doesn't really have concrete backstories for its characters. This is a good thing though, it allows them go digging into those broad strokes to find seeds to grow stories from. And from that angle, Doggett's years in the military and the NYPD seem like they would be a fertile ground to go digging into. I may have lost the metaphor a bit there, but I think you get what I'm going for.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Case 09, File 11: Audrey Pauley

 AKA: Wasn't There An Episode Named Audrey Already?

One of the core issues with The X-Files' tension is that the leads are FBI Agents, giving them a degree of power and authority that can occasionally cause issues. Villains can't just make our leads disappear without consequence; Someone knows where they are and will miss them, pretty quickly, and they are both armed and capable of summoning law enforcement without issue. This doesn't come without benefits (since it provides a lot of storytelling shortcuts) but it is an issue that each episode has to navigate.