Saturday, February 29, 2020

Case 07, File 10: Sein Und Zeit

AKA: Law And Order: Ghost Victims Unit

Despite Mulder's motivation being (supposedly) the loss of his sister, The X-Files doesn't really do kidnappings. Oh it's done it once or twice but for the most part, not counting alien abductions, actual kidnappings are pretty rare. There's probably a complex psychological reason behind it, with kidnapping being just a little too real and dark, or maybe they just don't want to have to keep checking in on their victim in the script, who knows. Hence we all know that when they do kidnapping, it's cause Mulder wants to make it personal.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Case 07, File 09: Signs and Wonders

AKA: I Was Born A Snake Handler And I'll Die A Snake Handler

There is a moment in Garth Marenghi's Darkplace in which a character is dying and, randomly, decides to spout off some facts about Bermuda. It's funny, not just because of the non-sequitur but because, like much of Darkplace, it's reflective of a real thing writers do. Get too into researching an idea or concept and you can find yourself forcing that stuff in because it's just on your brain. You can even find yourself writing an entire episode about it.