Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Case 06, File 20: Three of a Kind

AKA: No, There Are No Threesomes In This Episode

As a series continues on, the temptation to do sequel episodes to well known and well liked episodes becomes greater and greater. Coming up with new unique ideas for a show, especially a show with such a high bar for weirdness, gets more and more difficult every season and you never know what will or will not please the fans. But a follow up to an old episode, that's easy to come up with, and if it includes some fan favorite characters who don't usually get a lot of screentime, well you can sure that will keep the fans happy, if nothing else.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Case 06, File 19: The Unnatural

AKA: There's No Rule That Says An Alien Can't Play Baseball

The question of whether The X-Files should tackle big issues, not just questions of loneliness or depression but big issues like racism or sexism, is one I go back and forth on. On the one hand, I like my shows having depth and the series is often at its best when its trying to be more complex. On the other, The X-Files is a sci-fi horror show about two model gorgeous FBI agents fighting monsters and aliens, it's ability to write about complex issues can be limited. So whenever it looks like it's about to dip its toe in those waters, I get excited, yet...nervous.